
The dream of a disease free world

Our approach with MicroMTx001 aims to prevent and treat a variety of cancers by leveraging the power of mRNA technology

Cancer is a disease caused due to a mutation in the DNA within cells that causes them to multiply at an abnormal rate and is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Cancer treatment vaccines work by boosting the immune systems ability to find and target cancer specific antigens.

MicroMTx001 is a next-generation personalised mRNA cancer vaccine that will be customised as per the genetic information of the patient. Personalised genetic information provides a unique opportunity to develop person specific and multi-tumour associated antigens as mRNA vaccines.

Our mRNA technology will offer an end-to-end solution of personalised genome sequencing to find the unique markers, which paves a way for the development of a personalised mRNA vaccine by our state-of-the-art mRNA technology integrated with machine learning and genome sequencing.

Check out some of the other next-generation living therapeutics that are being developed by Micro CRISPR.